martes, 17 de abril de 2007

Capítulo 150 Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle

Bien os dejo la RAW del capítulo 150

150 The ones left behindColor: Sakura embraced by Chi x2 -- "Until we can meet again."The Sakura being taken by Freya, enveloped by feathers, changes her costume, is disassembled and enters the tube.
Yuuko: The fifty-fifty probability. So it turned out like that.

Yuuko: Body and soul each separate. The body to Celes, the soul to the world the princess wished.

Fai stands up, tries to turn the sword that stabbed Sakura towards himself, but is stopped by Kurogane.

Kurogane: Don't hurt anyone else with that sword. Not even yourself.

Shaoran stares at Fai with a questioning expression. Fai feels that.

Fai: ... I... am... sorry...

Homo: What is happening?

Eagle: The future?

Kosuki: ... It changed. Those three didn't die. (T/N: We don't know how this character's name is read, it could also be Kosugi, Kosuge or Kozuki.)

Kurogane (glaring): What do you mean?

Shaoran also glares.Homo and Kosuki are ready to act. Eagle is holding the "layer". (T/N: Probably Hikaru who is still where she collapsed.)

Eagle: I will explain. Together with that person.

The return to the room/apartment, Mokona runs up to them.

Mokona: Guys!! That blood, what happened!? Sakura! What about Sakura!?

Yuuko's image is projected from the Mokona's forehead.

Mokona: Yuuko!Yuuko: The princess is inside here.

Shaoran: That inside is...

Mokona: It's not the place where the shop exists.

Yuuko: Correct. Not the shop, it's yet another place. A "dream" world. Sakura-hime's soul is now inside a dream. This is what the princess wished. (T/N: "Aru"? So, Sakura's soul isn't sentient or what? And sorry if the beginning of the line is awkward.)

Eagle: Seems like that princess could know the future through dreams. The same as our Kosuki.

Kosuki: I had a dream. The final chess battle, that princess being stabbed and killed by him. Killing his two companions, he breaks. After that...

Mokona: Stop! Such a cruel thing...

Yuuko: That dream, the pricess tried to change. Waging her life on it.Sakura didn't want to let Fai stab her. (T/N: There's some controversy here, a reflexive pronoun that could point at either Fai or Sakura, so it could be that she didn't want to let Fai stab himself.) Because if it turned out like that, she knew how Fai would become.However, the curse was strong enough for that to be unavoidable. The princess was determined, to try to change only the future after that.Aiming at the world she wished and paid with her good luck for, she paid one more price so that Shaoran and the others wouldn't die.

Shaoran: What...

Kurogane: That... right leg?

Mokona: She can't move the leg because of the injury, wasn't it?

Yuuko: There was a possibility of healing it.However, even if she couldn't move that leg again, she wanted to break the curse in order to not let you, and Fai himself, die.

Fai: ... She knew, didn't she? Sakura-chan knew that I was lying.

Teaser (possibly): The future that was protected by the wager of a life! Next time, the magician's lie is!?